27 Jan

My new post on Liberation Collective

Liberation Collective

Female Engagement TeamLast week, when the U.S. Secretary of Defense lifted the nominal ban on women serving in military combat roles, many were quick to applaud the breaking of the “brass ceiling”. Since women have been serving in combat already for some time, this is essentially just recognizing that fact, which is fine. But this is only a victory when ‘equality’ is the end game. Call me crazy, but opening up more ways in which women can join the noble cause of Western imperialism isn’t a feel-good-fuck-yeah-gurrrl moment.

View original post 330 more words

23 Jan


Apparently I have a new/different blog! Indeed.

I also have a partial explanation for my absence over the last many months. I’m kind of tired. Since finishing college and getting one of those full-time job things (completely unrelated to anything I studied, of course) it’s been difficult to find the time or willpower to immerse myself in terrible facts and awfulness and then write about it. Which isn’t to say I’m done with blogging – of course not. (And I have been writing, just not here, and not necessarily online.) But just to give you an idea of where I’ve been at lately, well, that’s where I’ve been lately.

I’ve thought a lot about writing this post. If I tell everyone that this is how I’ve been feeling, if/when I go back to regularly writing posts, I’ll have this blip in my history in which I let everyone know…

View original post 233 more words

Hey, Everyone… Meet Me Over Here

23 Jan


New Blog: Trust Your Perceptions

4 Nov

There’s a new rad fem in town! She’s a seasoned radical feminist, so she’s only ‘new’ to the online world.

Trust Your Perceptions



She just published her first post, “Forgiveness + Positive Thinking = Eating Shit”.


Video: Gail Dines, “Neo-Liberalism and the Defanging of Feminism”

7 Oct

Share widely!

Bondage: Now 100% More in Cemeteries

21 Sep

You know when you’re reading a news story and you feel like there’s no hope for the world and everything is awful and fuck it I’m just going to sit on my couch and watch a video of cats playing with a treadmill on a loop for an hour? This seems to happen fairly often for me, including this week.

Recently in Seattle, a pornographer thought it’d be a supersexihot idea to go to a veterans cemetery and hang (yes, hang) women on ropes from cannons and memorial statues. The bondage porn photoshoot has led police to investigate possible trespassing violations [note: link contains blurred versions of some of the photos.]

The outrage this has provoked very clearly is at the “disrespect” of the act. That is, the specific location where the porn was made makes it disrespectful. What – you thought people give a damn about the production of images featuring women bound and hung by rope? C’mon, this isn’t the year 2390, y’all! (2390 is when the radfem revolution will be complete; mark your calendars!) Even so, there is something to that. Not so much the whole “desecrating Our War Heros™” thing as the “female humiliation is everywhere” thing. It’s not awful enough to produce this in private; nope, you’ve gotta go where people’s dead relatives are and do it there.

But wait! He has an explanation for why he had to do it there and it’s totally nuanced and artistic and stuff:

The photographer, in a statement, said his intent was for the photos to make people think.

“The title of this series is Spoils of War,” wrote Patrick Andraste in a statement emailed to KOMO 4 News. “The model is Japanese American, and some of her family was interned in the relocation camps during WWII. Her grandfather was a combat vet during WWII and a long time peace activist. (She) wanted to show that the truth of our country’s history is disturbing.”

I’d say our present day is pretty disturbing too, bro. Like, did you hear about this guy who strung up a woman in cemetery and took phot– oh, right. Also, one can do a lot to simply “make people think”… dude could throw his literal shit on the ground, photograph it, and say that he wanted to perform a visual critique of Bergsonian intuitionism. By all means, do that (and I’m sure you could even get an MFA out of it too). But of course women’s bodies have to be used as tools to communicate his ‘message’. But I’m sure I’m just missing his self-aware irony that replicating forces of oppression represents. It’s meta! Or something! It’s just definitely not problematic or rapey. Nope.

On the photographer’s website, there’s another photo set from last month depicting a woman in latex garb out on the sidewalks of downtown Seattle. The caption mentions that they were playing “terrorize the tourists”. In this particular set, passersby are not cropped out of the photos. Rather, they are fully visible, reacting to what this man has thrown into their lives. Oh, you just needed to go to the bank? FETISH IN UR FACE. For all the talk of consent and boundaries within the ‘community’, part of the thrill in this is that there are non-consenting people involved in what he’s doing. It is the erasing of boundaries that makes it appealing in the first place, knowing that you are violating someone.

And now, cats and treadmills. Because the world is hateful and you deserve better.

#1 Queer Theorist Recommended!

31 Jul

[Neutrois? Yes. Neutrois.]

Announcing a New Blog: Liberation Collective

28 May

Liberation Collective is a new collective, radical feminist blog. It’s currently undergoing some construction, but feel free to take a look!

New Hub Post: “Terroristic Anti-Abortion Group Publishes Patient Docs Online”

9 May

After a bit of an unofficial blogging hiatus, I finally have a new post up on RadFem Hub. The anti-abortion wackjobs at Operation Rescue have a bunch of stolen medical documents from patients of an abortion clinic. So they put them online like the terrorist organization responsible citizens they are. And Kansas doesn’t care.

Bad Romance + Female Suffrage = WOW.

11 Mar

So, this is impressive.